Membership in the Houston Chapter of HFES is required to hold office and to vote in the elections. The funds received from membership dues are used for programming (e.g., quarterly meetings) for Chapter events. Annual membership is valid from the Spring of one year to the Spring of the next.
$11 for full membership $6 for student membership.
First Name:
Preferred Name:
Last Name:
Title: (e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.)
Highest attained education: <select one> high school associate bachelor master PhD
National HFES Membership: <select one> Full Member Associate Affiliate Student Affiliate none * National membership is not required for local membership.
If you are a national member, in what year did you join?
Email Address*:
* We will only use your email address for HHFES correspondence, and we will not distribute your email address to third parties.
Would you be willing to volunteer as a speaker? <select one> yes no