HFES Houston Chapter

2004 Conference

Conference Information

Call for Participation
Contact Information

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Houston Chapter hosted a one-day conference in Houston that focused on bringing together human factors and ergonomics professionals and students in the greater Houston area. The meeting was designed to provide time for people to share ideas in a variety of formats and to socialize with other professionals in the region.

The conference was made possible by the following sponsors: Command and Control Environments, Ergo Force, and Vanguard Environments.

Conference Date: Friday, April 23, 2004

Conference Location: Rice University ­ Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Houston, Texas USA

Opening Speaker: Betty M. Sanders, current HFES President

Keynote Speaker: Nancy Currie, Astronaut-Mission Specialist;
Manager, Space Shuttle Safety and Mission Assurance. bio

Extended Submission Deadline: March 15, 2004. Poster and Presentation Proposals due.

Areas of interest include: Aerospace Systems, Aging, Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making, Communications, Computer Systems, Consumer Products, Education, Environmental Design, Forensics Professional, Individual Differences in Performance, Industrial Ergonomics, Internet, Med. Systems and Rehab, Macroergonomics, Perception and Performance, Safety, Surface Transportation, System Development, Test and Evaluation, Training, Virtual Environments.