Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter


The registration fee covers the conference program, food and beverages, and the afternoon reception.

Register and Pay Online

There are two steps to registering and paying online:

  1. Pay via Paypal (click here to Pay via Paypal)

  2. after you complete payment, *wait a few seconds* for Paypal to redirect your browser to the registration form

  3. Complete the online registration form

Register Online and Pay by Mail

If you prefer send a check or money order in the mail, there are three steps:

  1. Contact the Houston HFES , Monica Snideman by email. She will refer you to the online registration form.
  2. Fill out the online registration form.
  3. Mail a check made out to "HFES-Houston Chapter " to:

    Houston HFES Treasurer-Monica Snideman
    11710 Goldstream Ct.
    Tomball, TX 77377

Your registration will be processed upon receipt of your registration fee and completed registration form.

Register Online and Pay at the conference

If you prefer to register online and pay at the conference, there are three steps:

  1. Contact the Houston HFES , Monica Snideman by email. She will refer you to the online registration form.
  2. Fill out the online registration form.
  3. Pay at the conferece by check or money order (made out to "HFES-Houston Chapter").
    It will also be possible to pay by credit card at the conference (but ONLY via Paypal).
    Note: there will be a $10 fee added for paying at the conference.


For questions regarding conference registration, please contact the conference committee,

Four student volunteer positions are available for interested students. The conference registration fee will be waived for volunteers. Please write to for more information.

For those looking for information on accommodations in the area, Rice offers a list of hotels within five miles of the University.