Join us on May 21, 2010 from 8 - 4 for our biggest event of the year!
The Annual One-Day Symposium of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Chapter in Houston.
This year at the University of Houston-Clear Lake
Keynote Address
Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum is the Stanley C. Moore Professor of Bioengineering at Rice University. She is the Founder and Director of Rice 360, whose mission is to work in partnership with communities throughout the world to design and implement low-cost, high-performance technologies that prevent disease, improve health, and reduce poverty. Since 2006, 333 students in Rice 360's Beyond Traditional Borders initiative (BTB) have designed 40 new technologies and educational programs. These designs have been implemented in 15 countries around the world, benefiting 19,000 people. A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Dr. Richards-Kortum was recently inducted into the National Academy of Engineering.
Where: University of Houston-Clear Lake <information about the location>
When: May 21, 2010 <registration website>
What: 12 presentations
11 posters <program website>
Topics for this year's symposium range from Touch Screen Research to Improving Patient Safety to the
Human Systems Integration in the Air Force