2011 Texas Regional

Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Symposium


08:00 - 08:30    Registration and Breakfast - Sponsored by ErgoGenesis
08:30 - 09:30    Keynote Speaker

The Real World of Head Injuries, Rehabilitation, Technology and Human Factors
Gary Seale, Ph.D.

10:30 - 10:45   Coffee Break - Sponsored by Wyle
10:45 - 11:45

Presentation Session I - Ergonomics and Training <abstracts>

Session Chair - Steve Umbach


Software Ergonomics
S. Camille Peres; University of Houston-Clear Lake, Philip Kortum; Rice University, Andrew Muddimer; Schlumberger Information Services, Magdy Akladios; University of Houston-Clear Lake and James Himanga; ExxonMobil


Human Factors at NASA
Jennifer Boyer and Kritina Holden; Lockheed Martin


The Ergonomic Implications of Gesturing: Examining Single and Mixed Use with Appropriate Placement
Lindsey Muse and S. Camille Peres; University of Houston-Clear Lake


Peak movement error and mental workload as a function of camera location in laparoscopic surgery
Noah J. Wheeler and Martina I. Klein; Texas Tech University

11:45 - 01:00

Lunch - Sponsored by Big Design Conference

11:45 - 01:00

Lunch, Students, and Presidents - Sponsored by Houston Chapter of HFES

01:00 - 02:00

Presentation Session II - Human Factors Advice from the Field<abstracts>

Session Chair - Phil Kortum


Lessons Learned from Conducting Research in China-Tips for Cross Cultural Researchers
Christy Harper and Melissa Meingast; HP


Recipe for Universal Design: Key Roles of Usability and Accessibility
Aaron Bangor; AT&T Labs


Apollo Human Factors Lessons Learned and Benefits to Follow-on Programs
Jerry R. Goodman; NASA-JSC


Human Factors of Automation in Cyberspace
Barry P. Goettl; Air Force Research Lab, and Lisa W. Billman; The MITRE Corporation

02:00 - 02:15   Coffee Break
02:15 - 03:15

Presentation Session III - Perception and Performance<abstracts>

Session Chair - Barry Tillman


Optimizing the Presentation of Visual and Auditory Information: Utilizing Echoic Memory
Daniel S. Glaser and David M. Lane; Rice University


The Effects of Perceptual-Motor Recalibration on Metric Distance Estimation
Keith S. Jones; Texas Tech University and Allyson R. Hall-Colombo; BCI, Inc.


Colorized Intraocular Lens response to LED and LCD monitors and possible Safety issues
Walter J. Protheroe Jr; E-MAC, Inc. and Jeffery K. Hovis; University of Waterloo, School of Optometry


Crossing the Line (of Sight): Two Field Observation Studies of Display Placement Requirements for Presbyopic Computer Users
Michael C. Bartha; Hewlett-Packard Company, Paul Allie; Kokot and Allie Associates LLC, Douglas Kokot; Kokot and Allie Associates LLC and Cynthia Purvis; Hewlett-Packard Company

03:15 - 04:30   Poster Session & Reception <abstracts> - Sponsored by HP

The Effect of Music Genres on Oxygen Uptake during a Cycling Exercise
Young Ji Chun and Manuel Meza-Arroyo; Texas Tech University


Ocean* Store: a consumer study for a real-world, persona-steered GUI design
Andrew W. Muddimer and Samuel G. McLellan; Schlumberger


Dynamic Classroom Environments to reduce childhood obesity
Megan L. Morales, Mark E. Benden, Parker Jones and Lexie Mancuso; Texas A&M Health Science Center- Environmental Occupational Health Department


Examining the Motivational Factors of Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Gamers (MMORPG) and Massively Multi-player Online First Person Shooter (MMOFPS) Gamers
Tasha David, Angie Nery and Kevin Toy; University of Houston-Clear Lake


Using Ecological Psychology to Build More Capable Robots
Keith S. Jones; Texas Tech University


Modeling User Preferences in the Selection of Generic Tools for Planning
Grisel Ventura-Luna, Arunkumar Pennathur and Rajeev Senapati; University of Texas at El Paso


Tympanic Membrane Temperature as a Lagging Indicator of Mental Workload
Curtis Craig, Martina I. Klein and Berkeley Fahrenthold; Texas Tech University


Putting Theoretical Models to Work for Industry: Procedure Classification for a Large Petrochemical Company
Ricky Burks and S. Camille Peres; University of Houston-Clear Lake


The Student Threat Awareness Tool (STAT)
Daniel Bauman, Blue Bradley, Andres Ovalles and Kandi Windham; Embry Riddle Aeronautical University


2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Contributing Factors
Robert Green, Paul Ybarra, Kristina Green and Lydia Vasquez; Embry Riddle Aeronautical University


Usability of IVR Voting Systems
Danae Holmes and Philip Kortum; Rice University


Monitoring Critical Signals in the Laparoscopic Surgery Environment: Split Screen vs. Separated Displays
Martina I. Klein, Patricia R. DeLucia and Ryan Olmstead; Texas Tech University


Usability Testing of an Interactive Statistics Website
Sloane Hoyle, Camille Peres and Kate Bruton; University of Houston-Clear Lake


Human Factors Evaluation of Drilling Equipment
Sam Ranasinghe; Atkins


Development of a Cursor Control Device for Spaceflight Operations
Kritina Holden, Shelby Thompson and Aniko Sandor; Lockheed Martin


Smart Phone App Safety Applications
Lucio Vasquez, Barry Gordon, Andrew Overton and Justin Seger; Embry Riddle Aeronautical University


An Overview of Human Factors Contributions in Space Medicine and Health Systems
Vicky Byrne; Lockheed Martin


Implementation of an Employee Ergonomics Committee: A Case Study
Sherry Thaxton and Abbe Barr; Lockheed Martin


Human Space Flight Standards at NASA
Janis Connolly; NASA Johnson Space Center, Barry Tillman; Lockheed Martin and Keith Holubec; Wyle Integrated Science and Engineering


Acquisition and Transfer of Intermanual Coordination Dynamics in a Remotely-operated Robot Task
Michael J. Crites and Jamie C. Gorman; Texas Tech University


Targets in Color Displays: Friend and Foe
Jim Dykes and Mark Sifuentes; University of Texas at San Antonio


Smartphone Emoticon Usage
Laura H. Barg-Walkow, Chad C. Tossell and Philip Kortum; Rice University

4:00   Awards

Best Student Submission Award sponsored by Alamo HFES
Best Presentation Award sponsored by Alamo HFES
Best Poster Award sponsored by YoskeAnalytics