Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter


The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society - Houston Chapter is pleased to invite you to be involved in our 2006 one-day conference. An opportunity exists to sponsor the conference to the amount of 300USD and receive a booth space (6 feet by 8 feet) to present your company and products. You will also be represented by a Business Card advertisement in the conference on-line program. Participation in the conference has an additional $50 US fee per person.

Special thanks to our sponsors

Vanguard Environments


Key Ovation

About the conference

HHFES 2006 is a one-day conference in Houston that focuses on bringing together human factors and ergonomics professionals and students in the greater Houston area. The meeting will be designed to provide time for people to share ideas in a variety of formats and to socialize with other professionals in the region.

Conference Date: Friday, May 26, 2006
Conference Location: Rice University Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management,
Houston, Texas USA