Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter

Third Annual One-Day Conference: Abstract Submission

In order to submit your work to be considered for presentation at this year's conference, please fill out the form below. Note that all presenters must register for the conference. Required information is marked with *. Please note that the submission deadline has been extended to April 7, with the notification date moved to April 14. Presentations will be scheduled for 15 minutes. Poster presenters will be provided a 4' by 8' poster panel for their posters.

Important dates
Submission deadline: April 7, 2006
Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2006

If you would like to have your poster or slides posted to the chapter's website, please submit your materials to us as a PDF file by the day of the conference.


Questions regarding the submission process may be directed to

Author(s) and affiliation(s)
Corresponding author name

1. *First:

Mi: *Last: *Affiliation:


2. First:

Mi: Last: Affiliation:

3. First:

Mi: Last: Affiliation:

4. First:

Mi: Last: Affiliation:

5. First:

Mi: Last: Affiliation:


*Title of submission:
*Type of submission:

*Are you willing to have your submission accepted in another format (i.e. poster instead of a presentation)?
Yes        No  

*Abstract (minimum 200, maximum 500 words):

Corresponding author
Mailing address (suitable for express delivery service):
*Address line1:
Address line2:
*City, State,Zip:
Emergency contact (home phone, pager, cellular phone)
If you experience any problems of a technical nature when attempting to submit your abstract, please contact the .