Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter

Third Annual One-Day Conference: Program

 8:00 - 9:00 Registration

 9:00 - 10:00 Keynote speaker Dr. Robert Helmreich, University of Texas at Austin

Dealing with Danger in Aviation and Medicine
The three cultures (national, organizational, and professional) that influence behavior in aviation and medicine are described. Threats to safety in aviation and medicine are identified. The University of Texas Threat and Error Management Model (UT-TEMM) is presented along with its applications for analyzing accidents and incidents as well as superior performance are presented. An organizational strategy to build a fourth, safety culture is outlined.

10:00 - 10:15 Morning break

10:15 - 11:15 Morning talks

Medical Operations Console Procedure Evaluation: "BME Response to Crew Call Down for an Emergency"
Marianne Pettys1, Victor Hurst1, Kevin Rosenquist1 and Kathy Johnson-Throop2 1Wyle Laboratories, 2NASA Johnson Space Center

Cost/benefit analysis and efficient work strategy selection: A role for just-in-time training?
Frank Tamborello, Michael O’Conner and Jeffery Huong, Rice University

Who Moved My Link? Search Performance on Repeated Tasks
Lauren Scharff, Stephan F Austin State University

11:15 - 12:45 Lunch and poster session combined

User Center Design: Redesign of the University of Houston-Clear Lake Psychology Department web site
Julia Schnell, University of Houston, Clear Lake

The Effects of Sensorimotor Adaptation Training on Functional Mobility in Older Adults
Regina Buccello-Stout1, Ronita Cromwell1 and Jacob Bloomberg2. 1University of Texas Medical Branch, 2NASA Johnson Space Center

A Comparative Evaluation of Single Participant versus Co-Discovery Methodology in Usability Testing
Melissa Meingast and Monica Snideman, Hewlett-Packard

Improving Hospital Bed Access for the Elderly Patient.
Michael O’Conner, Sara McBride, Kate Scarbrough and Ingrid Norbergs, Rice University

Creation of Personas for an Information Technology Project
Michael Bartha and Melissa Meingast, Hewlett-Packard

Attributes used in assessing text-book sales web sites: A Lens model approach
Minmin Yang1, Jennifer Tsai1, Steohanie Zimmerman1 and Yuzhen Lin2.
1Rice University, 2Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

12:45 - 1:30 Chapter meeting

 1:30 - 2:30 Afternoon talks I

Job Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Assessment Tool
Barry Tillman, Lockheed Martin

Tailoring Heuristic Evaluations to Supplement Product Commercialization Testing
Samuel McLellan, Schlumberger

Capturing System Engineering Data to Communicate Intended User Experience
Carroll Throneesbery1, Danielle Smith2, Debra Schreckenghost3 and Arthur Molin1.
1S&K Technologies, 2Lockheed Martin, 3Metrica, Inc.

 2:30 - 2:45 Break

 2:45 - 3:30 Afternoon talks II

Interrupted Physicians and Nurses in a Level One Trauma Center: Are Interrupted Tasks Resumed?
Juliana Brixey1, David Robinson2, Todd Johnson1, James Turley1 and Jiajie Zhang1. 1University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Health Information Sciences, 2 Memorial Hermann Hospital

Evaluating Paper Ballots: Usability Differences Between Ballot Types
Kristen Greene, Sarah Everett and Mike Byrne, Rice University


3:30 - 5:00 Post conference social

































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