Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter

One Day Symposium: Program

8:00 - 9:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:00am Keynote Speaker: Mario Runco, Jr., Astronaut <bio>
10:00 - 10:15am Coffee break (sponshorship available)
10:15 - 11:15 Session 1: Human Factors in Transportation and Locomotion <abstracts>
    Route familiarity impacts driver's situation awareness
Kerstan Cole, Elizabeth Schmidlin; Texas Tech University, and Francis Durso; Georgia Tech University
    Distance estimation training: A proposed model of training and transfer
Allyson Hall and Keith Jones; Texas Tech University
    If the bot fits drive it? Judgments of pass-ability vs. drive-ability
Elizabeth Schmidlin, Keith Jones; Texas Tech University, Brian Johnson, United States Navy
    Can distance estimation training help some tasks and hurt others?
John Morris and Keith Jones; Texas Tech University
11:15 - 12:15pm Lunch (Sponsorship available)
11:15 - 12:15pm "Lunch, students, and presidents" (Sponsorship available) - A social time for student attendees to meet each other and learn more about the local chapter and Human Factors/ Ergonomics in general. Please contact for more information.
12:15 - 1:00pm Chapter Meeting
1:00 - 2:00pm Session II: Space Human Factors <abstracts>
    Lunar electric rover (LER) 3-day desert trial: A human factors assessment
Harry Litaker, Shelby Thompson; Lockheed Martin, and Robert Howard; JSC NASA
    Human factors standards at NASA
Barry Tillman, NASA/ Lockheed Martin
    Assisting concept of operations development with a storyboard orientation
Carroll Thronesberry, Arthur Molin; S&K Aerospace, and Debra Schreckenghost; TRACLabs
    Evaluation of the habitable volume of the Altair lunar lander
Shelby Thompson, Harry Litaker; Lockheed Martin, and Robert Howard; JSC NASA
2:00 - 2:15pm Coffee break
2:15 - 3:15pm Session III - Human Factors Potpourri <abstracts>
    Development and evaluation of thoracic spine modeling techniques
Sherry Thaxton; Texas Tech University, and Jeff Wolstad; University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Visual color - a teaching tool
Walter Protheroe Jr.; E-MAC Inc, J. Hovis; University of Waterloo; and R. Rideout; Colorado School of Mines
    Design of educational games
Timothy Ballew, 8-bit Bear Consulting
    Human factors integration into the facility design process
Sam Ranasinghe, Atkins
3:15 - 4:30pm Posters <abstracts>
    Dual task performance under unimanual and bimanual control
Jennifer Boyer, Aniko Sandor, and Kritina Holden; Lockheed Martin
    Using life-cycle human factors engineering to avoid 2.4 million in costs: Lessons learned from NASA's Requirements Verification Process for space payloads
Daniel Carr; NASA/ Lockheed Martin, and Richard Ellenberger; NASA
    Alarms: Discrete sounds vs. sonifications
Katherine Griggs, Sandra Bogus, and David Westmoreland; University of Houston - Clear Lake
    Self Testing Evolutionary Persona (STEP) protocol
Andrew Muddimer, Sam L. McLellan, and Dana Harris; Schlumberger
    Eyeblink as a measure of workload for auditory displays
P. Kevin Hayes, Jo Jardina, and Gianna Aldrigdge; University of Houston - Clear Lake
    Ethnographic study of on-hold caller multitasking behavior
Andy Su and Philip Kortum; Rice University
4:30 - 5:30pm Symposium Reception and Awards Presentation
    Student Paper Award ($100 - Sponsored by University of Houston-Clear Lake's RIHM Lab)
    Best Paper Award ($100 - Sponsored by Anonymous Donor)
    Best Poster Award ($100 - Sponsored by Humanscale)

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Houston Chapter