Houston Chapter
8:00 - 9:00 Registration/Continental Breakfast (Anderson Commons)
9:00 - 10:00 Keynote speaker (Anderson Commons)
Lee Morin <bio>
National Aeronautical and Space AdministrationRocks to Robots -- A Biological Approach to Lunar Industrialization
10:00 - 10:15 Morning break
10:15 - 11:15 Morning talks <abstracts> (Shell Auditorium)
Cascading Versus Panel Menus: The Tradeoff of Screen Space and Usability in Menu Design
Minmin Yang, Aniko Sandor, and David Lane; Rice UniversityUsability of Voting Systems: Baseline Data for Paper, Punch Cards, and Lever Machines
Michael Byrne, Kristen Greene, and Sarah Everett; Rice UniversityComfort-focused Design at Hewlett-Packard: An Historical Perspective
Michael Bartha and Cynthia Purvis; Hewlett-PackardHuman-Centered Computing in Biomedical Informatics
Jiajie Zhang and Todd R. Johnson ; University of Texas School of Health Information Sciences
11:15 - 12:45 Lunch and poster session combined <abstracts> (Anderson Commons)
Usability in China: Lessons Learned from Conducting Research in )the People s Republic
Craig Neely, Nan-Xiang Sheng, and Zheng-Xuan Zhao; Hewlett-PackardHuman Factors Engineering Standards at NASA
Barry Tillman; NASA-JSCEfficiency with Microsoft Word: Validating Self-report data
S. Camille Peres, Vickie Nguyen, Melodee Alexander, and Sonia Dutt; University of Houston-Clear LakeFuture Microsoft UI Possibilities
Andrew Muddimer; SchlumbergerEffect of Musical Auditory Progress Bars on Hold Time estimation
Andy Su and Phil Kortum; Rice UniversityResponse Bias in a Medical IVR System
Dorinne Hammons and Phil Kortum; Rice UniversityGraph use in psychology journals
Aniko Sandor and David Lane; Rice UniversityAssessing the impact of story line in a web-based computer game on the motivation level and learning in middle school children
Sebastian Thomas, David Lane and Leslie Miller; Rice UniversityAn Examination of the Auditability of Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) Ballots
Stephen Goggin and Michael Byrne; Rice UniversityDo voters notice if their choices are changed?
Sarah Everett, Michael Byrne, and Kristen Greene; Rice University
12:45 - 1:30 Chapter meeting <agenda> (Anderson Commons)
1:30 - 2:30 Afternoon talks I <abstracts> (Shell Auditorium)
Determining Desirable Cursor Control Device Characteristics for NASA Exploration Missions
Aniko Sandor and Kritina Holden; NASA-JSCEvaluation of Hands-Free Devices for Space Habitat Maintenance Procedures
Harry Litaker, Jr., Ron Hoffman, Jody Solem, Kritina Holden, and Mihriban Whitmore; NASA-JSCVirtual Light Meter: Using Computer Generated Illumination Maps to Predict Interior Lighting Conditions on the International Space Station
James Maida; NASA-JSCAnthropometric Accommodation in Space Suit Design
Sherry Thaxton and Sudhakar Rajulu; NASA-JSC
2:30 - 2:45 Break
2:45 - 3:45 Afternoon talks II <abstracts> (Shell Auditorium)
Ergonomic and human factor aspects of working with new flat panel display technologies
Clare Hobby; TCOCost-Effective Management When You're a One-Person Show
Miriam Joffe; Auburn EngineersImplementing a Human Factors Plan into the Design of the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)
Vicky Byrne, Kritina Holden, and Mihriban Whitmore; NASA-JSCTeaching Human Factors & Ergonomics to Industrial Design and Architecture University-Level Students
Steve Umbach; University of Houston
3:45 - 5:00 Post conference social (Anderson Commons)
4:30 - 6:00 "Pizza, students, and presidents"
A social time for student attendees to meet each other and learn more about the local chapter and Human Factors/Ergonomics in general. Please contact Camille Peres <president@houstonhfes.org> for more information.